Saturday, February 4, 2017


Survival of The Fittest My brother was 14 when drove up to the mountains to drop him off at a camp where he stayed for two week. At this native American based camp, they wore headdresses and very little clothing. Everything was taken from them, (they meaning the other teenage boys including my brother.) They were forced to sleep outside, with no tents and they were given no food. This was a very life altering camp, maybe a rite of passage so to speak. However, what I remember most is what he said when we first picked him up. First of all he was very angry because he had stated that they did not give them food or water for 2 weeks and that he was forced to survive along with other campers with very little survival gear or anybody to help them. He stated that the other boys simply could not figure out how to do things to survive, such a start a fire etc. and most were starving by the end of the two weeks. But here is what impacted me the was the how, of how he survived and what he did to survive. I hate to be graphic and descriptive here except for the fact that I think in life sometimes, things do get very tough and life can be very graphic. He told me that he and a friend were the only ones that were able to catch chickens and that he had a tool that was called a tomahawk. After chasing the chickens and catching them he would then chop the chicken's head off, then cook it and eat it. Now you know the old saying running around like a chicken with your head cut off? He said that's exactly what they do once their heads are cut off....they still run around. I share this with you for several reasons. Because trauma, any trauma in your life is very much like this. It often feels like an instant decapitation. Very often trauma experiencers from that point forward can't think straight anymore. For many the very act of breathing becomes difficult and you might feel like you're going to die. In essence you might feel like the chicken. This is the time you need to learn how to survive. I challenge you not to be the chicken, but instead be the person that becomes the survivalist. Sometimes you have to learn new skills when a trauma happens. A lot of people are not prepared for trauma but it happens to so many of us. The key is to believe in yourself and have faith that things will improve. You must keep on trying no matter what. You do have what it takes! Dig way down deep inside and never give up. Written by, Melissa Diegel #MelissaDiegel On Facebook: Teen Inspire Melissa Diegel's Art A Miracle For Two Sisters Drug Trials on Children Caught Red Handed Twitter: @MelissaDiegel Tumblr: Melissa Diegel Instagram: melissadiegel YouTube: Melissa Diegel Survival of The Fittest My brother was 14 when drove up to the mountains to drop him off at a camp where he stayed for two week. At this native American based camp, they wore headdresses and very little clothing. Everything was taken from them, (they meaning the other teenage boys including my brother.) They were forced to sleep outside, with no tents and they were given no food. This was a very life altering camp, maybe a rite of passage so to speak. However, what I remember most is what he said when we first picked him up. First of all he was very angry because he had stated that they did not give them food or water for 2 weeks and that he was forced to survive along with other campers with very little survival gear or anybody to help them. He stated that the other boys simply could not figure out how to do things to survive, such a start a fire etc. and most were starving by the end of the two weeks. But here is what impacted me the was the how, of how he survived and what he did to survive. I hate to be graphic and descriptive here except for the fact that I think in life sometimes, things do get very tough and life can be very graphic. He told me that he and a friend were the only ones that were able to catch chickens and that he had a tool that was called a tomahawk. After chasing the chickens and catching them he would then chop the chicken's head off, then cook it and eat it. Now you know the old saying running around like a chicken with your head cut off? He said that's exactly what they do once their heads are cut off....they still run around. I share this with you for several reasons. Because trauma, any trauma in your life is very much like this. It often feels like an instant decapitation. Very often trauma experiencers from that point forward can't think straight anymore. For many the very act of breathing becomes difficult and you might feel like you're going to die. In essence you might feel like the chicken. This is the time you need to learn how to survive. I challenge you not to be the chicken, but instead be the person that becomes the survivalist. Sometimes you have to learn new skills when a trauma happens. A lot of people are not prepared for trauma but it happens to so many of us. The key is to believe in yourself and have faith that things will improve. You must keep on trying no matter what. You do have what it takes! Dig way down deep inside and never give up. Written by, Melissa Diegel #MelissaDiegel On Facebook: Teen Inspire Melissa Diegel's Art A Miracle For Two Sisters Drug Trials on Children Caught Red Handed Twitter: @MelissaDiegel Tumblr: Melissa Diegel Instagram: melissadiegel YouTube: Melissa Diegel

from FB-RSS feed for Op Expose DCS Arizona #opexposecps

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