Thursday, February 23, 2017


The FBI had video tapes for TEN YEARS and did NOTHING! Under aged boys were exploited, molested & raped by Dennis Hastert who was the Speaker of the House and they did NOTHING! These boys were also provided to "service" foreign dignitaries by our politicians and the authorities did NOTHING!!!

Are our children considered so expendable by our alphabet agencies and our politicians where their health and well being are not given a second thought? Is this the new way in the USA?

Is this why there are rumblings lately that the age of consent should be lowered? Are they trying to justify & absolve their behaviors of the past since this is the hottest topic on the internet these days due to thousands of researchers around the globe who are digging up new evidence daily regarding DC's nefarious acts?

Finally, where did they acquire these boys from? Do you honestly think the politicians themselves gave up their own children to be raped? Or do you think they knocked on Mrs. Smith's door and asked to borrow her sons for the night? We proffer that these children were taken from foster care group homes just as boys were taken for these encounters during the Franklin Scandal when children were provided to politicians and dignitaries from Boys Town, Nebraska.

Think about it! And if it invokes outrage in you as it does us then share the heck out of this post and let the world know we are on to these perverts and we aren't letting up. Be a part of the mission and put some pressure on them!


The FBI had video tapes for TEN YEARS and did NOTHING! Under aged boys were exploited, molested & raped by Dennis Hastert who was the Speaker of the House and they did NOTHING! These boys were also provided to "service" foreign dignitaries by our politicians and the authorities did NOTHING!!!

Are our children considered so expendable by our alphabet agencies and our politicians where their health and well being are not given a second thought? Is this the new way in the USA?

Is this why there are rumblings lately that the age of consent should be lowered? Are they trying to justify & absolve their behaviors of the past since this is the hottest topic on the internet these days due to thousands of researchers around the globe who are digging up new evidence daily regarding DC's nefarious acts?

Finally, where did they acquire these boys from? Do you honestly think the politicians themselves gave up their own children to be raped? Or do you think they knocked on Mrs. Smith's door and asked to borrow her sons for the night? We proffer that these children were taken from foster care group homes just as boys were taken for these encounters during the Franklin Scandal when children were provided to politicians and dignitaries from Boys Town, Nebraska.

Think about it! And if it invokes outrage in you as it does us then share the heck out of this post and let the world know we are on to these perverts and we aren't letting up. Be a part of the mission and put some pressure on them!


from FB-RSS feed for Op Expose DCS Arizona #opexposecps

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