Sunday, May 12, 2019

[LEGALCRIMESAZ] Today is one of the hardest days for many families in this country. Mother's who have had their children kidnapped by CPS, who live with the pain and a hole in their heart. A pain one can not describe. A pain so great at times you feel you can not go on. A pain that you live with and try to function with as the world around you continue to move, yet your life stopped the day your child was kidnapped. You will never be the same, you will never have the joy, happiness and love you once had. You try to live each day but a part of you is missing. A part that can never be replaced. You look for your child everyday you leave your home, you wonder if they are alive. At times you do not want to leave your home because you know that you will see other children and families together and you will cry, missing them more than words can describe. Longing to hold them and tell them just how much they are loved and how beautiful they are. Unable to hold your children. You have no closure. You have no end. Just a constant pain. You try to smile, you try to laugh but it will never be the same. You have a broken heart that no one or nothing can fix until you find your child. So when someone says "Happy Mother's Day or Happy Father's Day" Please remember that for many of us it is just the opposite. We will not be spending the day with our children. We will not be holding our children and loving them. We will be looking for our chidlren, we will be trying to get through the day and the tears that flow non stop 365 days a year. Unable to hold them and the pain we feel is too great. Praying to God for strength to get through the day and the years. It never gets any easier. The pain never stops. So to all the mother's and father's out there that are also living this nightmare. Please know that you are not alone. Together we can make a difference. #Legalcrimessilentvoicesspeak 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

from FB-RSS feed for Op Expose DCS Arizona #opexposecps

Saturday, May 11, 2019

[LEGALCRIMESAZ] AZDCS You should never under estimate the power of parents you have kidnapped their children from. You will be EXPOSED for the Crimes you are committing on a daily bases and with no evidence. #legalcrimessilentvoicesspeak High on their list of possible partners in collusion with ADCS is the group Arizona Judicial Council (AJC). Created in 1990, the policy-making body oversees the judicial system in Arizona. But they are also registered as a lobbying organization with the Secretary of State and they promote what detractors are calling a controversial piece of legislation to allow more militant style midnight raids when the court deems necessary. It’s SB 1064, and it allows each court to “use certified court security officers to ensure the safe transaction of business of the court.”

Arizona: The Medical Kidnapping State? - Liberty Nation

Arizona is becoming known as the number-one state practicing what some are calling medical kidnapping.

from FB-RSS feed for Roy A Jordan Jr.