Saturday, January 21, 2017


Photo - Another message from Shawn on what he did to get his son home. In his own words: I just want every one of you know... my fight was not all at a local level (a.k.a. my county ) I went above and beyond with my fight!! I contacted state reps, mayor, governor, state senators, even the President!! I wrote each and every one that I could find!! 99%!!(MISSING)o(MISSING)f them either ignored my attempts or they passed the buck to someone else who in turn passed the buck to someone else that eventually got me nowhere.... EXCEPT for one!!!! As soon as elections were over I wrote our newest state senator (which I had a hand in helping get elected into office) Republican Senator Rob Portman- Ohio. I emailed him telling him my story and telling him all the corruption that was tied into my case and how much corruption was effecting families a crossed the nation!! Well as usual I figured it would be ignored but one selling point for me voting for him was his passion for family... anyhow on December 19th while I was ACTUALLY in court on the stand testifying in my case I received a call (which I couldn't answer) well after court I called the number back and it was an organization called Ohio Family and Safe Children's Organization!! They called me because senator Portman had contacted them and asked them to follow up on my case!!! I was AMAZED that he took notice and took it upon himself to help!! So they advised me to file a grievance against against my county CPS and they would open an investigation!!! So I've been working close with this organization as well as fighting my fight as well!! My word of advice is to rattle AS MANY heads as you can!!! Contact EVERYONE IN ANY FORM OF OFFICE IN YOUR STATE!! BE RELENTLESS AND BUG THE HE'LL OUT OF THEM!!! SOMEONE will take notice!! And even if you never hear back they're becoming more and more aware of what's going on with this corruption in the system!! The more awareness we can bring the better chance we have of positive reforms!!!! So be vigilant and relentless!!! This is our Children's we're fighting for!! The more we expose the corruption the more will become aware of it and aware we WON'T BACK DOWN AND HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! So RESEARCH your state and find out everyone that's in our states government ALL THE WAY UP to the President!!! Shake some heads!!! I firmly believe this has helped my case thus far!!! Get your stories out EVERYWHERE!!!! THE MORE THAT DO IT THE MORE THEY CANNOT IGNORE IT!!!! #TAKEN #AMERICASTAKENCHILDREN #MAKETHEMAWAREANDACCOUNTABLE: Another message from Shawn on what he did to get his son home. In his own words: I just want every one of you know... my fight was not all at a local level (a.k.a. my county ) I went above and beyond with my fight!! I contacted state reps, mayor, governor, state senators, even the President!! I wrote each and every one that I could find!! 99%!!(MISSING)o(MISSING)f them either ignored my attempts or they passed the buck to someone else who in turn passed the buck to someone else that eventually got me nowhere.... EXCEPT for one!!!! As soon as elections were over I wrote our newest state senator (which I had a hand in helping get elected into office) Republican Senator Rob Portman- Ohio. I emailed him telling him my story and telling him all the corruption that was tied into my case and how much corruption was effecting families a crossed the nation!! Well as usual I figured it would be ignored but one selling point for me voting for him was his passion for family... anyhow on December 19th while I was ACTUALLY in court on the stand testifying in my case I received a call (which I couldn't answer) well after court I called the number back and it was an organization called Ohio Family and Safe Children's Organization!! They called me because senator Portman had contacted them and asked them to follow up on my case!!! I was AMAZED that he took notice and took it upon himself to help!! So they advised me to file a grievance against against my county CPS and they would open an investigation!!! So I've been working close with this organization as well as fighting my fight as well!! My word of advice is to rattle AS MANY heads as you can!!! Contact EVERYONE IN ANY FORM OF OFFICE IN YOUR STATE!! BE RELENTLESS AND BUG THE HE'LL OUT OF THEM!!! SOMEONE will take notice!! And even if you never hear back they're becoming more and more aware of what's going on with this corruption in the system!! The more awareness we can bring the better chance we have of positive reforms!!!! So be vigilant and relentless!!! This is our Children's we're fighting for!! The more we expose the corruption the more will become aware of it and aware we WON'T BACK DOWN AND HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! So RESEARCH your state and find out everyone that's in our states government ALL THE WAY UP to the President!!! Shake some heads!!! I firmly believe this has helped my case thus far!!! Get your stories out EVERYWHERE!!!! THE MORE THAT DO IT THE MORE THEY CANNOT IGNORE IT!!!! #TAKEN #AMERICASTAKENCHILDREN #MAKETHEMAWAREANDACCOUNTABLE

from FB-RSS feed for Op Expose DCS Arizona #opexposecps

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