Friday, August 10, 2018

Op Expose CPS


Lets thank Derek, for this wonderful book! He starts by breaking down what to do when CPS shows up, below and then you can download his free book to find out more !

Thank you Derek!

What to do when CPS shows up.

Child Protective Services has since 1997, become a money making system for the state. Regardless of the state, you live the federal government provides subsidies to the state for every child removed. This makes your child valuable to CPS and they want those funds, despite the suffering, they cause to families. As of 2018, statistic shows a family has a 1 of 3 chance of being investigated under the current system. Knowing this, every parent must set up a defense plan. Since this is an internet article and not a book, I will provide 5 points that should be helpful.

1. Not police.
Child Protective Services is not the police. CPS does not have arrest powers. CPS does not have search and seizure powers. They can not force you to do anything without a court order. They can threaten, "If you don't do (add whatever) we will take your kids, the fact is they can not unless they can show a judge that you are a danger to your children. When CPS does show up, it's usually from a report they received. CPS will have to investigate this, it is their job. However, the threats and manipulation CPS presents are used primarily to get you to implicate yourself. Don't fall for it.

2. Do not let them in.
Child Protective Services will ask if they can come in and see the child. DO NOT LET THEM IN. The reasoning for asking to go into the house is to find evidence against you in their report. Every house with a child is messy, children are messy. CPS looks for items they can use against you. A toy on the ground can be a "choking hazard", dishes in the sink from breakfast are "unsanitary living conditions." Once inside, it is only the CPS agent's imagination as to what is dangerous and what is not. DO not give them this opportunity to invade your life.

3. Record.
After the knock on the door, "Hello, my name is Ms. Blankenship. I'm here from CPS about a report made…." Once you hear that she's from CPS you should either start recording on your phone or if you don't have it, "hold on I have to turn off the stove to talk to you, safety first." Go get your phone, walk outside and start recording in front of them. Don't try to hide it, you want to prevent them from moving forward, not have a gotcha moment in court. Once they realize they're being recorded, the tone of the discussion will be calmer, less threatening and you will hold the power in the conversation. The don't want to blindly threaten you on video. As an aside, recently the Supreme Court has stated that government officials in the process of carrying out their duties do not have an expectation of privacy and can be filmed. This has been proven by websites like, "police the police" and "News Now Houston". CPS may ask you not to record them. Just remind them it is your property, your rules. If they threaten to leave, make sure you record why they're leaving, "Leaving, that's your decision".

4. Don’t play weak, don’t be aggressive.
You will have to talk with CPS, it's a given. You can't slam the door on them and say "get a warrant", because they will, and an emergency removal warrant for removal of your children. One phone call to the judge saying, "we have a report of a child in danger, parent hostile and aggressive and unwilling to discuss the issues." The children will be gone. You also in this situation you must not be weak. CPS is a predatory organization who preys on the undereducated and underfunded. If you show weakness, they will smell money and attack. Your presentation must be of calm professionalism. You are being judged, and your presentation will be used to move forward or abandon your case.

5. Be dumb, like a fox.
Your answers are direct information to be used against you. The smarter you pretend to be, the more they'll drag out of you. Don't justify answers. Never give answers like, "no, I haven't used drugs since 2011, when I went to rehab." What you just said is, "History of severe drug abuse, with potential relapse". Just say "no, I don't use." Question every question they ask. This is recommended for police as well. "we are investigating due to a report.", say, "really, that's weird, what kind of report?" Rephrase everything back to them in the form of a question. "I have to let you in my house? How come?" "Is it that important, is this an emergency?" The more questions you ask the more time CPS has to spend answering the questions rather than obtaining information from you. And of course, "That doesn't seem right to me, I'll have to ask my attorney about that." This phrase says to CPS, " I will fight, I have the means to fight, and you aren't getting what you want." it's a powerful phrase to use, even if you don't have an attorney currently.

Knowing how to defend yourself against CPS is vital these days with predatory government agencies being paid to remove children. Learn more in “Protecting the Innocent from Child Protective Services.” available on Amazon and free with kindle unlimited.

Written by Derek Bootle MS, MBA, CPS court defense strategist and author of “Defending the Innocent from Child Protective Services.”

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