Friday, July 29, 2016


Photo - You said it Mr. President, this is an act of CRUELTY when children are ripped from their parents arms. This happens in every single state in our nation EACH AND EVERY DAY! Hillary Clinton, the candidate you are endorsing for the highest position in this country, can claim responsibility for these #TAKEN children due to the American Safe Families Act which she penned and her husband signed into law. This Act has only incentivized states to remove children unjustly due to the fact each state only receives federal bonuses if and only if they increase their adoptions year over year. We are a nation that values keeping families together however CPS agencies across this country DO NOT, NOR do those agencies work at keeping those families together. Mr. President your statement was in regards to immigrant children but shouldn't these words hold true for the citizens of our own nation? #TAKEN #AmericasTakenChildren: You said it Mr. President, this is an act of CRUELTY when children are ripped from their parents arms. This happens in every single state in our nation EACH AND EVERY DAY! Hillary Clinton, the candidate you are endorsing for the highest position in this country, can claim responsibility for these #TAKEN children due to the American Safe Families Act which she penned and her husband signed into law. This Act has only incentivized states to remove children unjustly due to the fact each state only receives federal bonuses if and only if they increase their adoptions year over year. We are a nation that values keeping families together however CPS agencies across this country DO NOT, NOR do those agencies work at keeping those families together. Mr. President your statement was in regards to immigrant children but shouldn't these words hold true for the citizens of our own nation? #TAKEN #AmericasTakenChildren

from FB-RSS feed for Op Expose DCS Arizona #opexposecps

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